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Beer review: Coisbo Queens Desire (4.8% Denmark: Coisbo Beer)

The Coisbo Queens Desire is a wheat beer, more specifically a Hefeweizen. It's brewed by Coisbo Beer, a Danish micro-brewery founded in 2008. The brewery has received a lot of recognition since, for example winning 1 silver medal and a total of 8 bronze medals at Commonwealth Craft Beer Cup 2014 that was held in Kentucky, USA on May 15-17 2014. The Queen's Desire won the Bronze Medal in the category of Weissbiers, let's see what all the fuzz is about!

Taste: The Coisbo Queens Desire is a light/medium-bodied wheat beer with a surprisingly malty body. In my opinion the beer is closer to a Belgian Witbier than a German Hefeweizen. It offers aromas of sweet malt, citrus, some exotic fruits, slight yeast and finishes with a dryish fruity and wheat aroma with medium hoppiness.

Overall, The Coisbo Queens Desire was a surprise, and no really a positive one I'm afraid. It's described as a Hefeweizen but it's lacking most of the qualities of one, and I would define it more as a Witbier. Even as a Witbier, it offers a surprisingly strong malty body which covers the aromas traditionally present in a wheat beer so the overall impression is quite dull. However, it's definitely an OK beer, I just expected a bit more.

60 Above average

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