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Beer review: Prykmestar Savukataja (9.0% Finland: Vakka-Suomen Panimo)

The Prykmestar Savukataja is a smoke beer, more specifically a smoke juniper beer (Savukataja= smoke juniper). It's brewed by Vakka-Suomen Panimo, a medium-sized Finnish brewery located on the western coast of Finland, in Uusikaupunki. The brewery was founded in 2007 and its products have received several awards since.

Taste: The Prykmestar Savukataja is a medium/full-bodied beer with a smooth, smoke dominant flavor. It delivers a slightly sweet smoky flavor, with a faint taste of smoked ham. The smoky flavor is then replaced by the flavor of juniper which, unfortunately, remains quite faint. The beer finishes with a nice sweet and smoky aftertaste.

Overall, the Prykmestar Savukataja is a mature beer with a surprisingly smooth taste, considering that it's quite strong alcohol-wise. However, because the name suggests that there should be juniper in it, I was a bit disappointed with the lack of it. There is a faint aroma of juniper but I was expecting a bit more. However, still definitely worth a try!

70 Good

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